Wednesday, 14 December 2016

4 Ways To Practice Gratitude Everyday

If you want to attract incredibly desirable things into your life, start by doing this.
Gratitude is becoming a very hot topic these days as it is becoming more and more evident of its power. Religions and philosophers have always taught about the power of gratitude, but the scientific world is now catching up.
Dr. Robert Emmons of UC Davis is on the cutting edge of gratitude’s scientific research. He states that gratitude is the "forgotten factor" in happiness research. Dr. Emmons and his "Gratitude" research partner Michael McCullough from the University of Miami, has led to several important findings about gratitude.
They’ve discovered scientific proof that when people regularly cultivate gratitude and say 'I am grateful,', they experience a variety of measurable benefits: psychological, physical, and social. In some cases, people have reported that gratitude led to transformative life changes. They discover how to be happy.
And more importantly, the family, friends, partners, and others who surround them consistently report that people who practice gratitude seem measurably happier and more pleasant to be around.
Emmons and McCollough concluded that gratitude is one of the few attitudes that can measurably change people’s lives. Grateful people experience fewer physical ailments such as headaches, stomachaches, nausea, and even acne. They report being less lonely, stressed, anxious and depressed.
There is nothing that amplifies your vibration and lifts your spirits faster than gratitude.
Health and Wellness Coach Ellen G. Goldman states: "Although we may acknowledge gratitude’s benefits, it can still feel difficult to feel grateful when we are going through a difficult time. That’s why it makes so much sense to practice gratitude, in good times and bad.
It may be human nature to notice all that is wrong or that we lack, but if we give ourselves the chance on a regular basis to notice all of life’s gifts and blessings, we can increase our sense of well-being, and create hope and optimism for the future — no matter what is going on."
Here are some ways to start practicing gratitude to improve your well-being:
1. ALWAYS look for AND acknowledge what's right about a situation, not what’s wrong. 

Sure you’re frustrated about being late to work, but thankfully you have an understanding boss. Service at the restaurant is poor, but you are lucky to afford an evening out surrounded by good friends.

2. Keep a gratitude journal. 
At the beginning and end of each day, write down 3-5 things from the day you feel grateful for. Simplicity is key. Your baby’s smile, a perfect sunset, or your best friend’s laughter.
Relish the feeling you get when remembering and writing it down. 
3. Express your gratitude.
Take the time to share your feelings. Not the simple, polite thank you, but the heartfelt emotions. Tell your friend how her support and sense of humor helps you get through tough times, and how much it means to you.
Don’t take your loved ones for granted. Let them know how much you love them and why.
4. Practice gratitude with your family and friends. 
Although you may not say grace before a meal, encourage each family member to report one thing that happened that day that they feel grateful for.
This is not a one-time "thanks", or a weekly, monthly or annual "Thanksgiving" appreciation speech acknowledgment list. It's a daily, hourly, minute-ly (OK, that’s not a real word but you get my point) thing. 
Your display of gratitude is a constant, an ongoing continual way of life. Remember that like attracts like. The more you show your gratitude and appreciation, the more you will be appreciated.
So even on your most challenging days, you need to show gratitude for the pleasant things around you. When challenged, go back to the most basic or generalized statements such as "I am grateful to breathe without having to think about it", or something along those lines.
Once you get into the routine of finding and showing gratitude for everything, it really does become a "life changing" way of life.
Start your gratitude journal today and keep it going no matter what. Find a way to remind yourself in the morning, such as put a yellow sticky pad reminder next to your coffee pot and one on the bathroom mirror.
You can even keep your journal next to your bed and put a yellow sticky on your alarm clock. This way it will be the first and last thing you do every day. It really, really works!
Remember, "We are, and attract into our lives, what we choose to think, say and believe about ourselves and our perceived reality."
Thank you for reading.

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