Wednesday 26 April 2017

If Your Guy Does These 16 Things, Congrats! He's A Keeper!

By Anonymous
If you're looking for a life partner, chances are you want someone who's honest, loyal, thoughtful and caring. But what about the subtler details?  What are the small things that separate an average married man from the best husband EVER?
How many of the things below does your guy do? A lot? Hold onto him!
1. He is not intimidated by your success.
A man worth keeping is secure in himself and will support your success. He will praise your efforts and be there to lend an ear when you fall. He will share in your joys and be there to help pick you up  Your success will be about you, not about him.

2. He's playful.
Couples who report happy relationships often cite time to play as an important factor in keeping their relationship alive. Occasional playfulness in a man is a very attractive quality to many. He can joke (but not at your expense) and can laugh at himself. He can take time away from his work and projects to go bowling, or engage in an impromptu game of Scrabble or Chess.

3. He values gender equality.
He is comfortable in the kitchen and doesn't feel emasculated by running the vacuum. He can handle you mowing the yard, changing the oil, or washing the vehicles. He can be a bread-winner or a stay at home father. A man's true views on gender roles often tell a lot about his personality and relationship style. Will you be his equal?

4. He's observant.
Would you like your partner to help with household chores? If so, look for a man who is observant. Men who aren't so great about doing their fair share around the house claim that they don't see dishes in the sink, scattered toys or clothes on the floor. Men who notice details in their environment have that extra bit of awareness needed to be full contributors in a household.

5. He's a dreamer. 
An often-overlooked quality for a future mate? The ability to dream. Does your guy dream about the perfect vacation, a house full of kids or any other fabulous plans? Thinking and dreaming big suggests that he has goals, ambitions and fun in his future. If he's all about practicality and simple stability he might not be the guy to help you fulfill your wildest dreams and fantasies. Life's too short for that. 

6. He's an optimist.
Is your man's glass half full? If not, you may want to think twice before heading down the aisle with him. Sick kids, sleepless nights, financial stress, aging parents and your own mortality can chip away at anyone's optimism. A partner who is a natural optimist can help you through those tough times with big doses of hope, laughter and a big picture outlook on life.

7. He uses the word "we."
When speaking about future plans he includes you in them. You know that he is serious about you and not just having fun for the moment.

8. He treats you like a lady.
The way he treats people, including his friends and family, especially his mother, is a good indicator of what kind of husband he will be. 

9. He remembers the little things.
Any guy will remember your birthday. The guy who remembers the little things, too, is the keeper. If he's paying attention to the little things you say and do, you can be sure he won't ignore things that are important to you.

10. He offers to help without you asking.
If he is willing to go out of his way to help you, without you having to ask, you'll know he truly cares about you. You'll be able to count on him as a true partner.

11. He shares your values
It's easy to miss the subtle signs that your guy might be a keeper, so start with your values and think about how someone's actions might reflect those values. For example, if you're divorced mother with kids, family may be one of your top values. If your guy is willing to rearrange his work schedule so he can attend his kid's school band concert or sports meet, that speaks to his commitment to family. 

12. He supports your career.
Married life isn't just about the fun and social parts of life, so it's important to open up to your partner about your work. As you share a problem you're facing, watch how he reacts. If he asks more questions, remembers other conversations, suggests possible solutions and helps you brainstorm, that's a good sign that he's supportive of your career and won't be threatened by your success. 

13. He is sensitive and communicative.
He never says you got a bad haircut. He knows how to say "I was wrong" and "I am sorry." He says you're beautiful even without makeup, or first thing in the morning. He will talk until 2 a.m. if you need to so you don't go to bed upset or feeling alone. 

14. He doesn't pretend to be perfect.
A guy who can show you his flaws means he can accept yours. If he is still trying to be perfect after date two or three, he either doesn't recognize his own flaws or is practiced at hiding things. 

15. He takes an interest in what happens during your day.
He genuinely wants to be caught up on your life since you last spoke, not because he's jealous, but because he really wants to know about the things that are important to you. 

16. He makes you laugh (and vice-versa).
There's a reason married people live longer. Our health and well-being is intricately tied into our emotional state. Your ideal guy can see you at your best and at your worst and not belittle you. If you aren't able to laugh about the dramas that arise with your life partner, things are going to be extremely difficult. 

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