Tuesday, 30 May 2017

MUST READ: The Power of Silence In Conversation

By Anonymous
When it comes to the art of conversation, the use of silence is considered to be negative and only to be used when you are alone. But that's far from the truth. Silence can be used in positive ways that can create profound moments while talking to somebody else.
Here are reasons why you should begin to use silence:
1. Through Silence We Gain Wisdom
Do not to be too quick to respond. Silence gives us a chance to reflect on the information given to us. It forces us to think twice about what we want to say. Our answers are more likely going to be more thoughtful and on point with the issues at hand. Researchers call this use of silence "tincture of time." Therefore, it may be wiser to not act or talk too soon before you've thought about everything thoroughly. Who knows, you may even gain more insight on the issue at hand if you're cautious before spewing out an answer.
2. Using Silence Promotes Self Control
Research suggests that silence, if used correctly, gives an image of self control. Can you think of a time when you had a strong reaction towards something someone said, whether it was positive or negative? We have all spoken out of turn on a couple occasions. We have also spoken out of pure emotion or the urge to shut someone up, but it isn't always the best approach. So next time you feel triggered, try staying silent until the person has finished their statement. This way you will appear more mature in both your appearance and in your response.
3. The Right Amount Of Silence Demonstrate Selfless
Communication is a two way street. So to be understood by others, we have to learn to understand others. We live in a culture where we value words and put less emphasis on nonverbal cues. This creates an imbalance since these days we're more focused on replying rather than listening.
We need to take the focus off of ourselves. Silence gives us the opportunity to present ourselves as selfless. With practice, we will become less obsessed with trying to be heard and more interested in what the other person has to say. Research also points out silence can be used to show deep emotion we can’t verbally communicate. Rather than talking for the sake of talking, stay silent and let it awaken true emotions you want to communicate to the other individual in a healthy way.
Silence, if used effectively, can be a powerful tool in conversation. We need to begin utilizing it to reap the benefits if we want to become effective listeners.

Monday, 29 May 2017

MUST READ: 5 Ways To Show Grace In The Workplace

By Anonymous

Workplaces tend to be filled with tension. Perhaps the company is undergoing budget cuts, and workers fear that layoffs are imminent. On the other hand, maybe there’s too few people to complete all the work that needs to get done, leaving employees overwhelmed and stressed. Whatever the case, due to the demanding nature of the workplace, your job site is the perfect place to extend grace. When you extend grace, you're intentionally responding in a generous or helpful way.
Follow these five steps and prove yourself a leader while at work.
1. Don’t Take Bad Moods Personally
Everyone has bad days, and the best way to show grace when a colleague has the blues is not to take it to heart. If it seems like your colleague or supervisor has “an attitude” one day, don’t escalate the situation by taking offense or using the same tone with them that offended you. Consider that they could be having problems at home or work that you don’t know about. Chalk up their behavior as having nothing to do with you. You, too, might have a bad day at work and need someone to extend grace to you in this manner.

2. Offer To Help
Show grace to your coworkers by offering to help when you see them in need. Offer to lighten their workload if you observe that your colleagues look overwhelmed. Your coworkers might turn down your offer. Perhaps they just want someone to air their frustrations to about the problem that’s sprung up. You can also show grace to coworkers in other ways. If a colleague’s car breaks down, offer them a ride to and from work. If your coworker needs help fundraising for a cause, pitch in if you can.

3. Welcome New Employees
When a new colleague joins the staff, reach out. Offer to treat them to lunch. Answer any questions the newcomer has. Introduce the coworker to other staffers and show him around your job site or office. Simple acts like teaching new employees how to navigate the computer system or where the vending machines are located can go a long way.

4. Don’t Gossip
Maintain the integrity of your work environment by refusing to gossip. Gossip can create divisions and tensions in the workplace. Show grace to your colleagues by declining to talk to them behind their backs, even if you think they deserve it. And show grace to loose-lipped colleagues by politely disengaging when they invite you to gossip.

5. Bring In Treats
Setting aside a day to bring in treats for the staff is another simple way to show grace. People’s eyes generally light up when they see boxes of pastries or other goodies in the office in the morning. When you and your colleagues are working long hours on a project, you might also surprise them by ordering pizza. Your coworkers will surely be grateful that you thought enough of them to make sure they had something to eat on a long and busy day.

A generous spirit can go a long way.


Sunday, 28 May 2017

MUST READ: The Power Of Putting Your Ideas On Paper

By Anonymous
There’s something to be said about putting pen to paper and writing your goals, ideas or to-do lists down. Writing things down helps ease mental clutter. It’s scientifically proven.
“Writing stimulates a bunch of cells at the base of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS),” reports LifeHacker.com. “The RAS acts as a filter for everything your brain needs to process, giving more importance to the stuff that you're actively focusing on at the moment –– something that the physical act of writing brings to the forefront.”

Henriette Anne Klauser, author of “Write It Down, Make It Happen,” agrees that writing stimulates the RAS, ultimately sending a signal to the cerebral cortex. “Once you write down a goal, your brain will be working overtime to see you get it.”

Take actor and comedian Jim Carrey as an example. After a series of consecutive failures, Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for “acting services rendered,” later placing the check in his wallet. He removed it seven years later when he received a payment in the exact amount for the hit film "Dumb and Dumber."

There’s also scientific proof that the pen is mightier than the keyboard. Yes, while typing information into your computer, laptop or mobile device is effective, it’s not as efficient as writing it down. There’s a connection between handwriting and cognitive abilities.

A study conducted by Dr. Virginia Berninger, a University of Washington professor of educational psychology who studies normal writing development and writing disabilities, observed children’s ability to write the alphabet, essays and sentences using a pen and keyboard. The study found the children’s writing skills were consistently better –– they wrote more, faster and more complete sentences –– when they used a pen.

Fast Company released its annual “Secrets of the Most Productive People” issue in November and the power of writing it down was noted. "It sounds obvious, but ‘write it down,’” says Joy Cho, author, designer and founder of Oh Joy! “I have so much going on –– with kids, with my business. If I don’t write it down, I will forget."

So, how can you achieve your goals and complete your to-dos? Check out these easy-to-follow tactics:
1. Start The Night Before
Don’t wait until the morning. Take a few minutes the night before to write down your daily goals so you can hit the ground running the next morning.

2. Focus On The Day At Hand
Your to-do list should only include items that you absolutely need to do on that day. Be realistic with yourself. If you know there’s something that can be tackled the following day, hold off on placing it on your list. Once you’re done with your list and you have more time, feel free to start on the next day’s action items.

3. Place Deadlines Next To Your Goals

Get specific! Include estimates of how long it will take you to complete your tasks.  And then, under each goal, specify a plan of action. It’ll help keep you focused while knocking out your list.

Don't let your winning ideas slip into thin air.

Hope this article was informative? 


Thursday, 25 May 2017

MUST READ: Destiny Has A Pulse

By Anonymous
Every living person is a vibrant embodiment of a designed purpose and destiny — a walking, breathing, speaking organism that has been set on a path to fulfill a specific goal during its existence. Though we all might have different purposes and destinies, there is something every destiny-driven person shares with another — a pulse!
Of course, your pulse signifies the thumping of your heart. However, it does far more than that. Your pulse signifies that your entire body is being fed everything it needs to survive and thrive. There are several places throughout your body that allow you to feel the pulse of your heart. What you feel when you place your fingers against your jugular vein should be the same thing you feel when your fingers are placed against your wrist. Both areas on your body should have the same rhythm and energy because the pulse — the beating of the heart — sustains everything God has assembled in you. If the pulse stops, the body dies.
As it is in our bodies, it should be in the people around us. There is a rhythm that syncs everyone together when they unite for a singular purpose. Every idea must coincide with the tempo of the vision and the other members of the group. If not, the entire troop is immediately thrown into chaos the moment the cadence is lost.
As you pursue your destiny, you will find it is extremely attractive to others. It pulls in individuals who have the power to assist and propel you, or those who will deter you. It is necessary that you keep your eyes peeled for those who desire to collaborate with you but do not share your pace. The moment such disharmony enters is the very moment you will see your efforts, ideas, and projects falter. You cannot allow others to change your rhythm. If they can change your rhythm, they can kill your creativity.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with others joining you in the pursuit of your destiny. However, each of you must understand that your mission’s success is totally dependent upon your ability to walk in agreement with one another.
Without agreement, your destiny is merely a wish.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

MUST READ: 9 Ridiculously Annoying Things Guys Do — And How You Can Deal With Them

By Anonymous
Bonus: What YOU can do about each of them!
It's been said that men are from Mars, and according to many studies, this seems to be a reasonable conclusion.
It turns out that a whopping 92 percent of women admit that they are often confused by the way their men behave and/or react in certain situations and they wish they could understand their significant others better.
Chances are, you fall in that number, so keep reading to unravel secrets that will help you understand your man better and bring you both closer together than ever before.
Here are the answers to what men think when they do these 9 totally annoying things — and what you can do about it when YOUR guy does them.
1. He clams up when he's stressed.
When you have a problem, you solve it by thinking out loud, right? Women are definitely pre-wired to use speech as a main form of expression. When problem-solving, they'll typically find a friend, relative or partner to brainstorm with about options, possibilities, the people involved and what they need to do next.
Not guys! Studies show that men do the opposite by talking silently to themselves.
You may assume your significant other is clamming up or even ignoring you, but the truth is he can only focus on one thing at a time. In fact, MRI scans reveal that men's brains have fewer connecting fibers between the left and right hemispheres and so they are more compartmentalized overall. That means when he's using his right brain to try and find solutions to problems, he literally can't use the left side of his brain to listen or speak!
What to do about it: Let him be. Sure, it can be tempting to urge, "Come on, let's talk about what's bothering you. You'll feel better!" But that's what works for you, not for him. Instead, give him the solitude and space he craves. Once he's solved his problem or wants your input he'll be ready to talk again.
2. He doesn't seem to "get" things about you that you think should be obvious.
Your gal pals always know when something is bothering you without you even having to say a word. How can your man be so clueless?! Studies show that while women can quickly detect a range of both verbal and nonverbal emotions in others, men simply aren't wired with such super-sensory abilities.
What to do about it: Tell him exactly what's bothering you. Surveys show that men really do want to please the women they love, but they need you to spell things out for them first. Try being as clear and concise as possible.
3. He hates getting advice from you — or anyone else.
Ever notice how rarely men ask for directions even when they're hopelessly lost? Men need to feel capable of solving their own problems. In fact, don't be surprised if he gets upset with you for offering solutions to his dilemmas. Naturally, you're only trying to help, but chances are, he'll view your input as criticism and may get upset because that makes him feel incompetent.
What to do about it: Give him the "silent" treatment. Unless your man specifically asks for your advice, your best bet is to zip your lips. In fact, doing this actually sends him a powerful and loving message that you have confidence in his ability to work things out.
4. He won't stop giving you advice even when you tell him you don't want it.
Of course, when the shoe's on the other foot and you have a problem, he doesn't hesitate to tell you what to do about it, right? That's because many men have logical, problem-solving minds. So, when he continually interrupts you to offer solutions to your problems, he can't help himself. His brain is simply programmed to do so.
What to do about it: Keep on telling him gently, "Thanks, but no thanks." Remember that his intentions are honorable. He truly believes you'll feel much better once you have a solution to your problem. Acknowledge and appreciate his efforts by saying something like, "Babe, I know you're trying to help me, and I love you for that." Then, explain that you're not looking for solutions and that if he really wants to help, he can simply listen.
5. He's always so freaking blunt.
Ever tried to get a conversation going with your guy by asking him a simple question like, "How was your day?" Chances are, you got a one-word response, "Fine."
Studies confirm that men's sentences tend to be short, direct and to the point for a reason. This kind of speech helps close business deals quickly and efficiently and is a means of asserting authority over others.
But in intimate relationships, these kinds of responses aren't particularly endearing.
What to do about it: The trick to getting your man to open up is to ask him more open-ended questions like, "What was the best (or worst) part of your day?" or "Tell me all about your visit with your brother. I'd love to hear all the details!" Questions like these can help bring you closer together because they encourage your significant other to elaborate and open up to you.
6. He always looks like he’s not listening when you speak.
Why do men often listen like statues? Chalk it up to evolution. The biological objective of the male warrior when listening was to remain impassive, so as not to betray his emotions.
In other words, men's lack of visual emotion enables them to feel in control of a situation, but it doesn't mean they don't experience emotions. In fact, brain scans reveal that men feel emotion as strongly as women do, but they avoid showing it.
What to do about it: Be gentle with him. His stone face may frustrate you, but try to remember that it's harder for him to talk about his feelings and that he may be afraid of saying the wrong thing. If you're patient and soft-spoken with him, he'll feel more comfortable and far more likely to share his innermost thoughts and feelings with you.
7. He constantly surfs through TV channels instead of settling on something.
Surveys reveal this male habit ranks among women's top pet peeves. What he's really doing is searching for the bottom line in each story. He's also relaxing. By channel surfing, he can forget about his own problems and look for solutions to other people's issues instead.
What to do about it: Ignore it. Remember, his forefathers spent more than a million years sitting expressionless on a rock surveying the horizon. This comes naturally to him and he's simply comfortable doing it.
8. He can never find things, even when they're right there in plain sight.
How familiar does this conversation sound?
Your man: "Where's the cereal?"
You: "In the cupboard."
Your man: "Well, I'm looking there, but I don't see it."
You: "Well, it's there. I put it there myself 10 minutes ago."
Your man: "No, you must have put it somewhere else. There's definitely no cereal here."
At that, you head to the kitchen, stick your hand in the cupboard, roll your eyes and hand him the cereal.
Men often feel this is a trick so then they accuse women of hiding things from them: socks, shoes, underwear, car keys, wallets. They're all there, though. Men just can't see them.
What to do about it: Blame it on biology. Men's brains, being pre-wired for hunting, see a narrow field. They have to move their heads from side to side and up and down as they scan for “missing” objects. But because of women's history defending the nest, their brains decode information over a wider peripheral range and they can see most of the contents of a refrigerator or cupboard without even moving their heads.
9. He hates shopping with you. 
For women, shopping can be rejuvenating and relaxing, even if they don't buy anything. It's like talking. Many women don't need to have a specific point or objective and find it soothing to carry this activity on in an unstructured way over several hours.
Twenty minutes or more of this type of shopping, however, drives many men bonkers, because to them, it's not logical and seems to have no purpose.
What to do about it: Energize him. If your spouse desperately needs new clothes, there's only one way to motivate him to shop for them with you. He needs an objective, a target to hit and a timetable. So, give him clear criteria — colors, sizes, brands, styles — and tell him where you'll be shopping and for how long.
With clear objectives (even if you've invented them), you'll be amazed at a man's shopping enthusiasm!
And who knows? Maybe he'll even buy something fun and sexy for you too!

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

MUST READ: Pursuing Your Destiny Means You Have To Do YOU

By Anonymous
Most people who have a destiny were inspired by someone, no matter the field they are in. If it’s football, you can choose a person to whom you can compare yourself from an increasingly large group of athletes. Are you a writer? Who do you believe is a type and shadow of your life’s story? What about film? Does the life and process of Steven Spielberg speak to who you believe you are? No matter the vocation, we all have people we look up to.
There was one such Biblical character who not only studied the life of his predecessor, but was in direct contact with him — Joshua. Joshua was Moses’ right-hand man. Joshua saw just about everything Moses ever did. From parting the Red Sea to getting water out of a rock, Joshua was right there, witnessing how God channeled His power through a mere man. Then, Moses died, and Joshua was next in line to lead the people of Israel into their destiny. The mentee becomes the mentor, and God promises Joshua that He will be present in Joshua’s life just as He was present in Moses’ life.
Though God was with Joshua, Joshua did not do everything Moses did. Yes, both men had a few points in their lives that resembled those in the life of the other, but Joshua was used in a completely different way than how God used Moses. Does that mean God was not with Joshua in the same manner He was with Moses, or did Joshua misinterpret God’s meaning?
We often compare our lives to those people we wish to emulate, believing the only way to be as successful as our predecessors is to do exactly what they did.
“If you do what they did, you can get what they got.”
Though you have likely heard that phrase applied to the path of success, it does not necessarily mean you should repeat every minute detail of someone else’s life. Yes, there are points where we find similarities between our lives and others, but what sense does it make to continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result? Your predecessor did what they were supposed to do. Your destiny, though it may be similar, is markedly different from anyone else’s.
There is always something different to be done. Your personality and the way you process things brings an entirely unique perspective to your destiny. Have people sculpted statues before? Of course! However, no one will ever sculpt quite like you. Do you follow the life of a particular businessman? Your role model might be great, but there are far better and greater business deals to be made.
Similarities exist in the lives of destiny-driven people because truth is truth, no matter where it is. However, your destiny is distinct, requiring the perspective, execution methods, and even your unique personality in order for it to be brought to life.
Your destiny is not a carbon copy of another.
Your destiny is distinctively similar.

Monday, 22 May 2017

MUST READ: If You Grew Up In A Bad Environment, This Is For You!

By Anonymous

Do you know someone who has relocated to a different city, career field, home, or even relationship because they believed a “new start” was what they needed to achieve their destiny? We all know someone who thinks that way. 

Before you read on, understand that some situations do require some restructuring of life. Nevertheless, relocating somewhere else and doing the same thing you did in your previous environment will yield few beneficial results.

What is it about us that makes us tie our goals, purpose, and destiny to our environment? What forces us to believe that who we are is based completely on what happened to us and where we reside? Granted, our environments do play a role in the makeup of our lives, but we all have the choice to remain the way we are or change ourselves for the better. On top of that, we see others who were similar situations to ours but went on to bigger and better things. What sets them apart from us? What did they do that we are not doing? Why did they receive an opportunity that we did not?

I wholeheartedly believe our destinies are not products of our environment. On the contrary, our environments often serve as motivation for us to pursue our destiny. If we would throw ourselves into the purpose and destiny over our lives, we will often find our destinies taking us along paths that lead us to the right opportunities at the right time. We need not seek a “new start” in a drastic way in order to improve our creativity. All we must do is take advantage of what we currently have at our disposal, because our gifts will grant us audiences with influential people.

Once we know what our destiny is — once we have an understanding of our purpose — we must make the necessary sacrifices to achieve them. This might require taking a step back from watching too much television and devoting that time to doing what’s necessary for us to achieve our goals. An excellent, successful writer does not become successful without writing. A bodybuilder does not achieve his desired look and proportions without putting in the time and effort to train his body and eat nutritious meals.

Pablo Picasso painted. Ludwig van Beethoven composed music. Maya Angelou became a world renowned novelist and poet. Arnold Schwarzenegger became the world’s standard for bodybuilding, having trained and worked his body for tens of thousands of hours. Albert Einstein defined modern physics with his theory of relativity and was labeled a genius. Each of these people became the definition of greatness in their fields simply by devoting themselves to their crafts, sacrificing their time, and throwing themselves into their purpose. In addition, each of them came from a variety of environments and overcame some of the most difficult odds while on the road to their destiny. They did not allow their surroundings to dictate their identities.

Do not allow your surroundings and experiences to distract you from your destiny. If you do what great people do, you can get what great people got.


Saturday, 20 May 2017

MUST READ: 3 Signs It's Time To Expand Your Network

By Anonymous

Your network is indeed your net worth. Building genuine and productive relationships that prove mutually beneficial is one of the most crucial things you can do to position yourself for growth and success. While you should never force connections or relationships, your network should always be organically and consistently growing. 

Building a strong, reliable network can be a game-changer when it comes to progressing through your life and career. It is important to invest in people and relationships that are as diverse as your interests, curiosity and the opportunities you wish to attract. Fostering an authentic network can change your life, so never be afraid to fine-tune it as you see fit.
If you are unsure as to whether there is a missing link in your network puzzle, here are three signs that it might be time for expansion.

1. You see the same people.
Everywhere you go –– socially or professionally –– you never encounter fresh faces or make new introductions, because you already know everyone in the room. It is hard to make bigger and better moves when you are around the same people all the time. Change your environment and you will enhance your network. 

2. You lack inspiration.
You should always surround yourself with people and things that constantly bring value, inspiration and insight. It encourages growth and development. If your environment seems to be lacking in the inspiration department, it might be a sign you need to venture out and explore new things.

3. You’re not attracting opportunity.
When you position yourself with the right people, within the right sphere, you should naturally attract opportunity. If you find that nothing really seems to be moving for you, perhaps it’s time for a new game plan with a different set of players.

The best passion you can develop is a passion for your own growth. To further shape your perspective and become connected to other individuals who share similar interests, be open to exploring different environments and experiences. Complacency can become your enemy if the desire to reach your potential begins to fade. Stay focused on the end goal and make each moment a step in the direction of your destiny.


MUST READ: How To Cope With An Alcoholic Partner — And Save Your Relationship

By Anonymous
It won't be easy ...  
The following is a quick guide to managing drunken behavior wisely and minimizing its destructive impact. If you are out at a social occasion, try to remember that if your partner is behaving atrociously, he/she is embarrassing him/herself — not you. Don't give yourself a hard time if you decide to leave early, take the car and leave your partner some money for a taxi home later. It's simply putting up a boundary which is a very wise thing to do.
However, the real problems accelerate behind closed doors. Your drunk partner enters the house where social norms no longer demand his/her natural restraint and the real problems begin. So what do you do?
Avoid Confrontation In The Moment
This is hard, particularly if you are in close relationship with the person who is drinking. For a start, you will be feeling understandably angry that your partner has moved to that point where the drink appears to be taking over. OK, we've all laughed at amiable, giggling drunks in our time, but the joke soon wears thin when it's your partner doing it over and over again. Amusement is quickly replaced by concern, annoyance and — if it goes on and on — a deep rage, which those who live with compulsive behaviors will really understand. At that point, the temptation to sit your drunk down and give him a large piece of your mind feels almost irresistible, and it's highly likely you have done just that!
However, more often than not, it's like sticking your finger in a wasp's nest. Out come the verbal insults and twisting half-truths that sting, frustrate and offend. You may feel better for a moment, but an argument with a drunk can quickly escalate to a new level of tension, aggression, and non–compliance. And even if your drinker is amiable and garrulous and wants to "talk deeply" (how often I've fallen for that one) the chances are he/she won't remember a thing in the morning. There is a time to talk things through and express how disappointed, hurt and angry you are, but not when he/she is still intoxicated! 
Back Away
When you're in a situation where a loved one is drinking heavily, do a quick safety check to ensure he/she is not in needless danger, but then take remove yourself from the situation as much as humanly possible.
You may not be able to control what is happening, but that doesn't mean you have to sit and watch it. Do yourself a favor! Go to another room or floor or leave the situation altogether. (Even if you get stuck in the same space, get your headphones on and listen to some nice music to tune out what's happening). Don't get further hooked into the already chaotic dynamics around the drinking behavior.
Care For Yourself And Your Family
When your partner lets you down you're hurt and angry, of course. However, if the problem drinking is a regular occurrence, then this is the time to do something nice for you. 
Think ahead on this one. If it's the end of a long, hard day, make sure you pamper yourself with a long hot soak in the bath. Save your favorite book or TV program to retreat into. Be prepared to move out to the spare bedroom if you have one. A snoring drunk beside you is hardly a brilliant aphrodisiac! If it's daytime and you have a family, take them out for a walk or meal. Play a board or video game you put aside for these occasions.
Be proactive, be creative or even take the offensive! I've walked this path personally and these strategies are lessons painfully learned over a long period of time so go easy on yourself. Do what you can a little at a time and take back control of your life and situation. It won't always be easy but every new change brings a new sense of empowerment and a new hope for a more lasting change. 
If your partner regularly comes up with inappropriate behavior, figure out some appropriate boundaries and responses. You may not be able to control their behavior, but you can certainly exert control over your family and your own choices; and if, in the end, you decide that "enough is enough," know that you have applied all that is possible to make your relationship work.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

MUST READ: Captivating Things You Do That Make A Man Want To Love You Forever

By Anonymous
Make even the most steadfast bachelor want you — and only you.
Some men claim they're unable to commit to a woman because they're "just not ready" or "the timing isn't right."
But often, even a dedicated bachelor will take the plunge when he meets a woman who truly attracts him. So what qualities captivate him enough for him to abandon his bachelor ways?
Here are the 3 major qualities in a woman that those kinds of men are looking for: 
1. She's not looking to him to fill a job description.
Want to know one of the biggest fears men have about relationships and commitment? That you're desperately seeking a husband — and that anyone will do.

We, just like you, yearn for a partner who wants us for who we are, not just for what we can give. And so the minute a man gets even a hint that you have an agenda beyond just getting to know him, he immediately shuts down and starts to feel less attracted to you.

It's really tempting to think that your time is precious and that you need to find out right away whether or not a man is up for a lifelong commitment. But making this the focus of your early interactions with a man is dangerous. Take your time getting to know him and letting him see that you enjoy being with him — not that he's just a means to an end.
2. She shows him she's willing to walk away.
When a man thinks you've centered your whole life around him and that you've already decided he's the one before you have spoken about commitment, he'll feel pressured. He'll feel pressured to live up to your expectations, and he'll also feel anxious about letting you down. He'll also wonder why you've made up your mind about him so quickly.

Instead, you must convey to a man that you are selective. Being selective means you let him know that while you like him and enjoy being with him, you are also a woman with options who is in control of what happens to her.
How do you do this? By continuing to have a life outside him; nurture your hobbies, spend time with friends and family, improve your life and career. When you do this, he starts feeling lucky to have a place in your life, and he'll fight to stay there.
3. His life is so much better with her in it.
One of the most important things is how to build a solid foundation for a lasting relationship with a man. And the way to do this is by creating positive experiences with him.
Men can't be talked into relationships; they need to feel a deep, emotional connection before they commit to someone. In order for a man to see you as a necessary part of his life, you need to create the right kind of experiences that will spark emotional attraction in him.

A positive experience is anything that you both enjoy that is, above all, fun.
Fight the need to talk about the relationship, and instead turn your attention to creating great moments together. Do different things with him like playing sports along with the usual dinners and movies. Spend time in groups of friends. Read the paper together and do spontaneous things without planning. Mix it up.
All of these experiences show him that you are a woman who is easy-going and playful, and that's the kind of woman he'll realize he'd be a fool to let go of.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


By Anonymous

The goal for most parents is to raise children who are not only happy and productive, but self-disciplined. Self-disciplined children decide for themselves the best course of action for bringing about a desired outcome. Self-disciplined children are guided by internal motivations rather than external. While it might be tempting to coerce your child into behaving appropriately, there are four steps you can take towards cultivating self-discipline in your young one. 

1. Be A Role Model
Before you ask your child to be a model citizen, you must first demand that of yourself. You are a living example for your children, and if self-discipline is important enough for them to master, it should be a character trait they witness, not simply hear about. The family resemblance should extend beyond physical appearances and include successful habits, too.

2. Create An Environment Where Consequences Matter
Provide an environment where children are allowed to make mistakes, wherein each error in judgment is met with immediate natural consequences. This will build a self-awareness that is intrinsically motivated. Make a mess, then clean it up. Break something and fix it. Cause pain, but always play a role in the healing process. If you fall down, pick yourself up. We must allow our children to experience the consequences that follow from their decisions.

3. Practice
Discipline comes from repetition. Provide your child the opportunity to contribute to your family in meaningful ways. In the process, they'll learn about responsibility and proficiency. Reach past the traditional list of chores and introduce tasks that will help the household while preparing them for adulthood. They can help put together grocery lists or feed family pets, just as long as they are contributors.

4. Be A Parent, Not A Friend.
Don't babysit your sons and daughters, raise them. Parenthood is not the time to be the easygoing friend you'd always wanted. Put your foot down, set boundaries and stick to them. Keep your word. Don't make empty threats or promises; this will threaten the trust between you and your child. Laugh, smile, and goof off when the moment allows, but don’t forget – you have a job to do.

Raising a self-disciplined child is hard work. There will be plenty of resistance. There will be times that seem easier than others, and moments when it seems best to just mail it in; fight through it and remember the endgame. Your ultimate goal is to raise the best young adult you can, and any resistance can be met with four simple words: Because I love you.


Tuesday, 16 May 2017

MUST READ: Effective Ways To Manage People In Our Lives

By Anonymous

Some people are best appreciated at a distance.

You've heard it said, "Everything happens for a reason." This simple concept not only applies to love and career, but it also speaks to our everyday relationships. Each person that has come into our life, whether for a period of days or years, arrived along our path to serve a purpose.
Many times, we don't fully grasp when circumstances change and an individual no longer adds value to our lives. Most people have difficulty figuring out what to do once they realize this. While it may seem somewhat harsh or insensitive to break ties, it is perfectly fine, and in fact, very healthy to cut people off.

Here are a few simple signs that it’s time to let someone go.

1. When You Are No Longer Happy To See Or Be Around Them
If their presence becomes unsettling to your spirit, don’t ignore the signs. Your instincts only pick up on the truth and seek to guide you accordingly. There comes a time when things –– and people –– no longer bring you joy or happiness. It is a sign that there is a need for change, and you have to take the initiative to switch things up. 

2. When They Offer Nothing But Negativity
Attitude is everything. More so, we each have the power to speak things into existence. For those with a positive outlook, the fruits of our thoughts and actions reap positive rewards. Yet, for those who constantly complain or carry an attitude of ungratefulness, the atmosphere becomes filled with gloom and negativity. Individuals who always want to criticize other people show a sure sign of wasting valuable time and energy on the wrong things and, ultimately, are not deserving of yours.

3. When They Want (Or Take) More Than They Give  
Relationships are an exchange. It takes two people mutually invested in making each other better, holding each other accountable and being of help when in need. Those who are always first at the table and walk away with the most before ever leaving anything for others must be forced to take their appetite elsewhere. Relationships should never be more of a burden than a blessing. When you start to feel used or taken advantage of, mentally or spiritually, cut it off quickly.

4. When You Can No Longer Trust Them
Everyone knows that trust is one of most essential factors in any form of relationship. Once it is compromised, things might never be the same. Trust can take years to build and a only a few moments to break. Those who claim a space in your circle must be people you find trustworthy, reliable and genuinely concerned about what is best for you. When the bond is broken or betrayal irreparably sets in, find the exit.

5. When They Are No Longer Supportive
You should always surround yourself with people who support you and your dreams. Though support comes in many forms, the common thread is authenticity and honesty. Those with a true desire to watch you win in life don’t care to offer endless pats on the back or overlook your weaknesses –– they actively push you to be the best version of yourself. Stay clear of those who bring you down rather than lift you up.

All things, including people and feelings, change. When they do change, it is only fair for all parties involved to move on. Every decision you make has a direct impact on your future. As a result, you should never feel guilty for making choices that are in your best interests. You must remember: It’s your life.
