By Anonymous
The goal for most
parents is to raise children who are not only happy and productive, but
self-disciplined. Self-disciplined children decide for themselves the best
course of action for bringing about a desired outcome. Self-disciplined
children are guided by internal motivations rather than external. While it
might be tempting to coerce your child into behaving appropriately, there are
four steps you can take towards cultivating self-discipline in your young
1. Be A Role Model
Before you ask your
child to be a model citizen, you must first demand that of yourself. You are a
living example for your children, and if self-discipline is important enough
for them to master, it should be a character trait they witness, not simply hear
about. The family resemblance should extend beyond physical appearances and
include successful habits, too.
2. Create An Environment Where Consequences Matter
Provide an
environment where children are allowed to make mistakes, wherein each error in
judgment is met with immediate natural consequences. This will build a
self-awareness that is intrinsically motivated. Make a mess, then clean it up.
Break something and fix it. Cause pain, but always play a role in the healing
process. If you fall down, pick yourself up. We must allow our children to
experience the consequences that follow from their decisions.
3. Practice
Discipline comes
from repetition. Provide your child the opportunity to contribute to your
family in meaningful ways. In the process, they'll learn about
responsibility and proficiency. Reach past the traditional list of chores
and introduce tasks that will help the household while preparing them for
adulthood. They can help put together grocery lists or feed family pets, just
as long as they are contributors.
4. Be A Parent, Not A Friend.
Don't babysit your
sons and daughters, raise them. Parenthood is not the time to be the easygoing
friend you'd always wanted. Put your foot down, set boundaries and stick to
them. Keep your word. Don't make empty threats or promises; this will threaten
the trust between you and your child. Laugh, smile, and goof off when the
moment allows, but don’t forget – you have a job to do.
Raising a
self-disciplined child is hard work. There will be plenty of resistance. There
will be times that seem easier than others, and moments when it seems best to
just mail it in; fight through it and remember the endgame. Your ultimate goal
is to raise the best young adult you can, and any resistance can be met with
four simple words: Because I love you.
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