It's all about the mystery...
Traditionally, when it comes to courtship, the guy is the one who does the courting and the woman does the evaluation and the waiting, but in this modern generation, it's a whole different story.
This is because today, women also have their own moves to make the guy fall for them. Not all women have the gift or the expertise when it comes to this. There are some women who are too shy and some have an inferiority complex, making it difficult for them to approach a guy.
But the number of women who have the guts to make the first move or have the confidence to stand up and express their feelings dominate the dating scene.
These women are usually those who think of themselves positively, or those who learned that nothing begets nothing, so they takes their chances and move if they really want this guy.
So, if you are one of these women who can’t wait for the guy to make the first move, here are some flirting tips that you can do to make him fall in love with you.
1. Be yourself.
They say that you need to put your best foot forward but most of the time, if a person does this, the courtship ends up being a disaster once both parties discover the bad side of the other. Just to be safe, simply be yourself.
Try to show him the best of you and also the part of you that you aren't sure if he will really like. He needs to know and accept not only the good side of you, but the not-so-good part of you as well.
This simply means that you must stop pretending to be somebody you are not. Faking it only causes problems, like losing his trust.
So, just relax, enjoy the moments you are with him and have fun. You will come to see that he will appreciate you more than what you expect. He will fall in love with who you really are and not with somebody you are pretending to be.
2. Make him want more of you.
Try to be a little reserved. When you are having a conversation, do not tell him everything about you and your life.
If you are sending text messages to each other, put a limit to it. You need to stop sending messages before the conversation becomes boring.
If you are chatting in one of the social networking sites, try to log off first before your topic gets boring or too dull and redundant. If you are talking over the phone, try to end the call as soon as you suspect an awkward silence is about to come up.
3. Be a little mysterious.
When you go out on a date with him, do not immediately tell him everything about your life. If he has lots of questions, especially if it’s too personal, which most guys do if they are interested, don’t immediately spill the beans or be offended, but rather, smile a little and say, "Maybe another time."
These things can make you more interesting and could be the answer for how to make him fall in love with you. Try to keep to your own hobbies, and make sure that you don't drop everything just to be around him.
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