By Anonymous
Charitable donations can benefit the givers as much as they do the recipients.
Givers are just as likely as recipients to reap the rewards of
charity. That idea may seem illogical at first. After all, how is it possible
that people who give away their money or time benefit from doing so? A Harvard
Business School study found that participants were happier when they gave money
to others instead of when they spent money on themselves. Also, a National
Institutes of Health study found that charitable giving activates the pleasure
centers of the brain. Altruism actually produces a “helper’s high” in givers.
And this is hardly the only reason why giving feels so good.
1. Giving Can Build Relationships And
Open Your World
Whether you’re sponsoring a child’s school tuition abroad or
volunteering at a battered women’s shelter, giving can foster new relationships
and broaden your world. Serving the less fortunate might lead you to adopt a
more compassionate view of them. You might take more interest in the conflicts
ravaging the country where the child you’re sponsoring lives. Over time,
problems you never thought affected you might weigh heavy on your heart. And
while serving, you might come to think of the staff, residents and volunteers
as friends.
2. Helping Others Can Boost Your
Lending a helping hand can increase your self-esteem. Knowing
that the work you’re doing is improving the lives of others can fill you with
pride. The awareness that other people are counting on you can give you the
confidence to serve in deeper, powerful and riskier ways.
3. Serving Develops Sense Of
Volunteering at a charity each week or mentoring a fatherless
child can deepen your sense of responsibility. You must organize your schedule
to ensure you can serve at the same time and day each week. When you know that
your charitable acts directly help others, it becomes more difficult to flake
or call in sick. Because service promotes responsibility, you exercise the
discipline necessary to be a reliable person.
4. Donations Inspire You To Manage
Your Money Better
Routinely donating money to charitable organizations requires
givers to take control of their finances. Making a commitment to donate money
to a church, a nonprofit or needy child means you have to know what’s coming in
and out of your bank account and budget accordingly. One must spend wisely to
ensure that funds will be left over for giving.
5. Giving Fosters Gratitude
Working with the needy or donating money to them makes givers
appreciate what they have. They realize how lucky they are to have an intact
family, a steady income, an education or a home. They come to view what they
may previously have taken for granted as blessings.
The benefits of giving are ultimately immeasurable. Reaching
beyond oneself to help others is a spiritual exercise that offers both simple
and complex lessons to givers. One person’s reward from giving may differ from
another’s, but this much is clear: Giving is comparable to a double-edged
sword. The benefits of charity are not reserved for the recipients.
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